Why is education SO expensive?
Why do we have to pay a huge sum of money to learn something? Why is education so expensive in this world? Why should we be a burden on our parents if we want to succeed in life? WHY? SHOULD WE? BE DEPENDENT? until we become independent? It is so disheartening to hear that to ace some random test you should take coaching worth 50 fucking thousand rupees for the preparation of that fucking test. (i know you can still do everything on your own through free resources. DO NOT COME @ FOR THAT) Isn't education for all a sustainable development goal? then why? Why if we want to study somewhere else other than the home country that we have to pay double the amount than native citizens? Why is it difficult to get a scholarship or bursaries? THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND MONEY. Sadly, money is not taught in schools. Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not on financial skills. Why doesn't school teach us how to make money OTHER THAN THAT USELESS STUFF LIKE THE PROPERTIES...